Saturday, December 13, 2008


The last two weeks we have been in an observation course.  Which basically involves learning about different observation gear (mostly thermal night vision).  There are a lot of different types, and we actually got to use some that just came into use.  There were two that we were the actually the first people to use in all of the army.  I would go into more detail, but I don't know if I can in this forum.

The basics of what we learned involve being able to instruct other units, airplanes, or helicopters how to get to locations based on what we see.  Also, this past week we learned how to command artillery to hit certain locations from miles away.

There was also something of a bitter sweet moment this past Wednesday.  Out of nowhere me and 5 other soldiers were taken aside and told we would be going to sniper school in two weeks.  On the one hand this was great news, but at the same time it just so happened that the dates of the course correspond exactly with the days I had been planning to come home.  

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